OK.. finially Vamshi decides to blog.. as you would have guessed correctly, he too belongs to the horde that has plenty of free time at hand and nothing better to do otherwise.. I would also like to introduce VeeKay, who happens to be my alterego.. yes Beedi, I am stealing your idea but I was inspired by Fight Club more than anything else.. But to my utter dismay, VeeKay has no issues with the world, how people live and has absolutely no intentions of blowing up buildings of credit card companies ( He somehow got to know that I work for one of them, damn!) .. He is a free spirit and loves to take my case.. this blog is to facilitate our conversations outside the realm of my grey matter but mostly to relieve and store (or rather, dump!) the threads of utterly useless thoughts that have clogged my mind and make space for fresh ones.
Our present co-ordinates: Gurgaon, India.
Our present co-ordinates: Gurgaon, India.
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