Back again!
It's been such a long time since the last post. Not a writer's block kinda thing but good ol' laziness. A lot has changed since then. I am no longer in Gurgaon. I do work other than gtalking and blogreading. I get paid more. I get to eat idlis for 4 bucks. Bus and auto rides have replaced the office cabs. I reach office by 9 30 A.M. for which I have to wake up by 7 30. I don't have a pseud laptop and make do with a decent desktop. There is no comfort of working for a well known firm anymore. Basically, I am asked to repeat the name of my firm as people don't catch it the first time. Despite losing the trappings of a laid back job (I have to work a little more now), a cushy apartment and a jet-setting life style (yes, I have flown almost every single domestic carrier in the country in the last 8 months, all at my own expense), I am at peace. Atleast, everything around me feels real. The friendly banter with the auto drivers. The shoves and pushes in the bus, an occasional glance from a pretty female, a city that reminds me of my childhood, of the places I had seen, of people I had met. So I have begun living the 25th year of my existence in Hyderabad ( a city neither too familiar nor too alien) and looking forward to the times ahead.
Labels: General
Ob da, Hyd any day infinitely better than Gurgaon.
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